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The Banning of Moss Balls

moss balls

As a philosopher of morality and a decades-long defender of free will, I founded in February 2022 to defend animals and plants against eugenics.

As if it was some kind of thing, these banishments also reached my business and private life, with an example being a WordPress plugin ban mystery.

Likely a coincidence, despite the trail of 'banishments' that I was enduring, such as a mysterious WordPress plugin ban, or a ban, but still an opportunity to provide attention for moss balls and plant intelligence.

houzz forum post moss balls

google moss ball ban

Moss Balls as Pet

Moss balls are kept as pet by people around the world.

Waterlogged moss balls move up and down the fish tank. Remember, it’s a living organism and responds to environmental cues. We suggest you do your research to provide adequate care and also choose a place in your home before you actually make the purchase.

The movement of the moss balls across the ice on the North Pole is also an indication of intelligence:

“The whole colony of moss balls, this whole grouping, moves at about the same speeds and in the same directions,” Bartholomaus tells NPR. “Those speeds and directions can change over the course of weeks.”

He explains that herd of 30 moss balls that they observed first moved slowly southward before accelerating west, and then losing speed. The new data show that the moss balls don’t move randomly—but the researchers couldn’t yet deduce what’s driving them.

The glacier moss balls didn’t follow any pattern that the researchers checked. The moss wasn’t rolling down a slope, getting pushed by the wind, or following the sun.

Source: Smithsonian Magazine

Moss Balls Moving Around Rocks

There are small and large balls that manage to maintain the same speeds. This includes rolling up-hill and around rocks and obstacles.

moss ball moving around rocks 600

Plant Intelligence

plant brain

Recent scientific discoveries show that the root system of plants contains many neurotransmitters that are also present in the human brain, including dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin and histamine.

The discoveries further indicate that the root system of plants can grow many billions of cells at the tips of the roots that function similarly to brain neurons. For some plants, it would result in a number of neurons that rival those of the human brain.

(2010) Recently surprising similarities between plant cells and neurons Source:
(2014) New research on plant intelligence may forever change how you think about plants How plants sense and react is still somewhat unknown. Plants have a system for sending electrical signals and even produce neurotransmitters, like dopamine, serotonin and other chemicals the human brain uses to send signals. Source:

(2015) Research Shows Plants Are Sentient Not only do plants engage in neuron-like activity and movement, they make mathematical computations, see us and, like animals that act altruistically, show kindness toward their relatives. Source: Good Nature Travel | The Society for Plant Neurobiology | The Society of plant signaling and behavior

(2015) Plants signal stress like animals do: with neurotransmitters Source: ZME Science
(2019) Plants ‘Scream’ in the Face of Stress Source: Live Science
(2017) Plants can see, hear and smell – and respond Plants, according to professor Jack C. Schultz, “are just very slow animals”.

This is not a misunderstanding of basic biology. Schultz is a professor in the Division of Plant Sciences at the University of Missouri in Columbia, and has spent four decades investigating the interactions between plants and insects. He knows his stuff.
Source: BBC

(2019) 🌸 Flowers are talking to animals—and humans are just starting to listen Scientists increasingly believe that trees and plants communicate with each other, various living things, and the environment. Source: Quartz

    Foreword /

    Like love, morality defies words - yet 🍃 Nature depends on your voice. Break the Wittgensteinian Silence on eugenics. Speak up.

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