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Pedophilia in Justice: A Critical Investigation

As the founder of and a long-time defender of morality and free will, I have spent decades critically examining the foundations of science and challenging the notion that the mind is merely a product of the brain. My work through the philosophical blog 🦋 led me to investigate various forms of corruption, including a disturbing pattern of pedophilia within government and justice systems.

The 🦋 blog initially focused on critiquing psychiatry and defending the concept of free will against deterministic interpretations of human behavior. This naturally led to an examination of forensic psychiatry and its role in the justice system. However, as the investigation deepened, it uncovered a web of corruption that extended far beyond theoretical debates.

Reporting on Pedophilia in Justice

One of the most shocking discoveries was the extent of pedophilia among high-ranking officials in the Dutch justice system. The blog's reporting on this issue appears to have had serious consequences, potentially linking to a violent attack on my home in 2019.

Photo © NRC Handelsblad

The Case of Minister Els Borst

Els BorstPolitical extortion and euthanasia in psychiatry ('the Dutch Way') Source: Zielenknijper

Tragically, Minister Els Borst was found dead in 2014, officially attributed to a psychiatric patient claiming to act on a divine mission. However, sources suggest that the Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD), where Borst had previously worked, may have been involved in her death. This raises disturbing questions about the lengths to which powerful entities might go to suppress information about pedophilia networks. The circumstances surrounding Borst's death, coupled with the blog's reporting on corruption in both psychiatric euthanasia practices and pedophilia in the justice system, appear to have set in motion a chain of events that would ultimately lead to an attack on my home in 2019.

The Attack on My Home in 2019

In 2019, my home in Utrecht was subjected to a violent attack. The circumstances surrounding this incident were highly suspicious and suggested a connection to the blog's reporting on pedophilia in the justice system.

[Show the confession by the perpetrator]

Confession by the Perpetrator

In 2020, two months into the attack on my home, the perpetrator suddenly, and without reason, confesses to me by email that a false suspicion and a threat with a police raid in 2018, had not come from himself, but from people from the municipality. He also wrote in his email that he had grown to admire me.

The perpetrator's confession came at an odd time. Until then, he had destroyed my home and contents and had ignored the report of damage against reasonableness. Also, the perpetrator had behaved absurdly disrespectful and became violent, for which an official police report was filed.

Jan Jaap, for me you are a special man who is a good tenant in every way.

You know that I once [falsely] suspected you, which didn’t even come from me, but from people from the municipality.

Slowly I could appreciate your person. That is why I think the current calamities are very annoying.

The perpetrator is an educated engineer of which it is to be expected that he knew what he was doing.

I could not explain why people at the municipality would have raised a false suspicion and threatened a police raid on my small room in the middle of the center of Utrecht.

I was the founder of the Facebook page I Love Utrecht with over 14,000 readers at the time, which was actively managed by several social media editors, and with which many people were happy. Publications regularly had more than 500 likes.

Furthermore, I had no relationship or history with the municipality, or with the police.

Juridisch Loket[Show my response to the Legal Counsel]

My Response to the Legal Counsel

During the attack on my home, I contacted the Legal Counsel. In her response, they sent a personal email from a psychiatric patient who told a threatening paranoid story.

That must have been technically impossible and in principle cannot have been an accident. It is also virtually impossible that an ordinary employee of the Legal Counsel would do such a thing, because you could lose your job or worse as a result.

You are sending an email from someone else in your message. I don’t think that should just happen, because you are dealing with sensitive information from people.

I can of course think of corruption or sad motives from you as an individual to do so, and in that case it will not be an intelligent act. Just because there are people with mental health problems doesn’t mean you should give rogue doctors a license to mess around in their brains. For you as an employee of the Legal Counsel it is important to know your place and to deliver quality, even if people behave incorrectly or have ideas that are incorrect. There should be no room for corruption.

Despite the potential for a dubious action on your part, I hereby inform you that the error should not have occurred if it were an accident.

Other than that, thanks for the advice! I hope that you will serve people with sincerity.

Yvonne Keuls

Volkskrant: ‘It is an absolute injustice what happened’

While pedo-porn photos were taken in the Hague Palace of Justice, Justice looked the other way. And not the pedophile judge, but whistleblower Yvonne Keuls was slandered and threatened. Charges against the judge were dropped.

The judge (Theo Reub) was never prosecuted and was allowed to retire early while Yvonne Keuls was faced with threats.

The Minister of Justice was involved. It is already the 4th pedosexual judge to be protected by his colleagues and Justice in recent years.

Yvonne: “Minister of Justice Opstelten, who has always protected the pedo judge Joris Demmink in a striking manner, was a friend of the judge.

I was reviled for suing a juvenile court judge as a whistleblower. It was apparently irrelevant that in the meantime it was someone who had committed the highest form of abuse of power against children.

Demmink DoofpotDemmink Cover-up Source: Twitter: Arrest Demmink Source:

The Demmink case exemplifies how deeply entrenched this corruption had become. Two Turkish boys, aged 11 and 14, filed well-documented criminal charges against Demmink for rape and sexual abuse. However, as soon as Demmink became a person of interest, the investigation was shut down. Video evidence went missing, and all telephone communication between suspects suddenly ceased. Crucially, this occurred before Demmink was appointed head of Justice, indicating a pre-existing network of protection for pedophiles within the system.

This case raises profound questions about the nature of justice systems and how individuals implicated in such serious crimes can rise to positions of immense power. The blog developed philosophical theories to explain this phenomenon, which were later corroborated by lawyers involved in pedophilia cases: justice systems can become fundamentally dependent on a culture of fear that enables actors such as pedophiles to prevail.

International Pedophile Rings

The pedophilia uncovered in the Dutch justice system is not an isolated incident. Similar cases have been reported in other countries, suggesting a global network of child exploitation among powerful elites.

In Norway, a massive pedophile ring involving 51 individuals, including politicians, teachers, and doctors, was uncovered by police. Some reports have suggested connections between this ring and high-profile international political figures.

In the United States, disturbing allegations have emerged surrounding Jeffrey Epstein and his associates. Epstein, a convicted pedophile, was known to have connections with numerous powerful individuals. His private jet, nicknamed the Lolita Express and his private island, Little St. James (often referred to as Child Sex Orgy Island), have been implicated in the trafficking and abuse of minors as young as 11 years old. Government records revealed that in 2018, Epstein was seen disembarking his plane in the U.S. Virgin Islands with girls around 11 to 12 years old

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton's association with Epstein has raised particular concern. Flight logs show that Clinton took at least 26 trips on Epstein's private jet, reportedly ditching his Secret Service detail for 5 of those trips - an action that is both illegal and highly suspicious for a former president.


The investigation into pedophilia within justice systems reveals a disturbing reality: those tasked with upholding the law and protecting the vulnerable are sometimes the very individuals perpetrating heinous crimes against children. The systemic nature of this corruption, and the lengths to which powerful entities will go to suppress information about it, underscores the critical importance of independent investigation and reporting.

Dutch Injustice: When Child Traffickers Rule A Nation

YouTube (download) | Turkish police officer: Demmink raped children

    Foreword /

    Like love, morality defies words - yet 🍃 Nature depends on your voice. Break the Wittgensteinian Silence on eugenics. Speak up.

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